at the 2018 War, Literature & the Arts Conference at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado, September 20-21.
The House in Scarsdale: A Memoir for the Stage
at Boston Court Pasadena receives five Stage Raw Theatre Award nominations for Playwriting, Production, Acting, Lighting Design, Video Design.
Playwriting Faculty
with Lauren Yee at the 2018 Sewanee Writers' Conference.
"Long Days"
excerpt from New Life in the Sewanee Review.
Poems & a Play
in the new Blackbird.
New Life
presented in the L.A. Writers' Workshop Festival at the Kirk Douglas Theatre. With actors Tim Guinee and Brian Henderson, and director Neel Keller and dramaturg Joy Meads. Interview here.
workshopped at Portland Center Stage with composer John Colpitts, director Michael Michetti, dramaturg Ben Fainstein, actors Satomi Blair, Nick Ferrucci, Gavin Hoffman, Alex Ramirez, and percussionists Dianna Hnatiw & Taylor Long.
New Poems
in spring issues of And Other Poems, Birmingham Poetry Review, Cell Poems, Cyphers, The Fiddlehead, Poetry Ireland Review, & The Saint Ann's Review.
Dan O'Brien: Plays One
US edition published April 3. Order here.
New Life
in development at the 2018 New Harmony Project. In collaboration with Paul Watson and director Elizabeth Williamson, with actors Michael Crane and Tim Guinee.